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Republican Page Walley for State Senate.

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Page Walley

Page and his wife Terry.

West Tennessee Conservative

A lifelong Republican and a West TN Conservative trailblazer, Page Walley was one of the first Republicans legislators elected from West Tennessee, beating a 16-year incumbent Democrat. 

During his time as State Representative, he consistently did what was best for the state of Tennessee and this great nation – by promoting conservative values, voting Pro-Life, and supporting the 2nd Amendment. Page’s leadership paved the way for the growth of the conservative movement in West Tennessee for years to come. Page now serves in the Tennessee State Senate after being elected in 2020, with the same passion to help those in need.

Page and his wife Terry have been married for 39 years and have three children and four grandchildren. He is a licensed clinical psychologist, minister and author.

It is an honor to fight for our West Tennessee values every day in Nashville. I humbly ask for your support once again and rest assure that I will always put your interests first.”

- Page walley

Page's Pledge

Keep Taxes Low 

Maintain a Balanced Budget

Stop the Scourge of Illegal Immigration

Provide Relief from Biden’s Inflation

Defend Every Sacred Life

Protect Our 2nd Amendment Rights & Liberties 

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